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Thursday, February 21, 2008

Gravestones of Famous Queens

They were famous, strong, and influential women who left their mark on the pages of history. They became queens and ruled vast lands with power. Here are photos of the gravestones of some of the most famous queens ever lived. You can click on the name of each queen to read more about her life.

1. Queen Victoria" The Longest Reigning Monarch in UK History"(1819-1901):




2. Queen Mary I "Bloody Mary" (1516-1558):


3. Mary Stuart "Queen of Scots" (1542-1587):

Source: Answers


4. Queen Eleanor of Aquitaine "The Rebellious Queen" (1123-1204):

Srouce: Stainless Steel Droppings

Source: English Monarchs

6.Queen Elizabeth I "The Virgin Queen" (1533-1603):

Source: Wikipedia

Source: *

*Find A Grave: an interesting website that includes hundreds of grave listings.

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