A great article in the guardian.co.uk features The Neptune Memorial Reef as a uniques resting spot for people who loved the sea. It is also a heaven for divers:
About 14 metres beneath the ocean's surface lies a cemetery with gates, pathways, plaques and even benches.
The watery grave can host the remains of people who want to be buried underwater:
The ashes are mixed with cement designed for underwater use and fitted into a mould, which a diver then places and secures into the reef. A copper and bronze plaque is installed with the person's name, date of birth and death. There is also a line for a message.
About 14 metres beneath the ocean's surface lies a cemetery with gates, pathways, plaques and even benches.
The watery grave can host the remains of people who want to be buried underwater:
The ashes are mixed with cement designed for underwater use and fitted into a mould, which a diver then places and secures into the reef. A copper and bronze plaque is installed with the person's name, date of birth and death. There is also a line for a message.
Matthew Hoelscher (tiswango) has a great collection of photos for The Neptune Memorial Reef. You can check his whole collection on Flickr here .

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